The Future

Help Fund My Next Project

I'm not going to sugar coat it, film making is not cheap. From sets to props to fees to everything else, it requires money. You can help me out by visiting my Venmo. Or you can can contact me for alternative donations. See you out there. 

The Future of Aajalani

Whats Next?

So now whats next? You have viewed my past work and now its time to take a peak into my future projects. Or more currently future assets. As of May 2024 I will graduate high school and I be released into the real world. Super fun and exciting. I will start my journey into my future! And with that I need tools. Below is a list of tools I intend to buy. Help become apart of the film making process by donating! Imagine yourself, a producer. Has a nice ring to it. Feel free to donate and support me. 


Below you can also see my next project that I am working on. It features different points of views on native hawaiian cultures. Set to come out in September of 2024!


My Next Short Film

Different point of views on native hawaiian culture. 

13 in Macbook Air with M2 Chip

Retail Price plus apple care $1100


Film Festival Submission Fees


Nikon Z30 Creator's Kit

Retail Price $996
